Thursday, 30 April 2020

You are not alone who have not understood me, I feel same for myself.

You are not alone who have not understood me, I feel the same for myself.

This has been a while since I spoke to myself. After rushing through life goals and achievements, I hardly had time to talk to myself. Isn't it quite strange that we meet and greet so many throughout a day but hardly see ourselves as a person, an individual and a separate entity who needs the same from us?  
Most of the time we complain that people don't understand and have a prejudicial view of us.  But we do have the same for us. 
Let's start from the beginning.
Yes, I treat myself as someone should achieve more than what he has. He should look different than what he finds in the mirror, his handwriting should be more perfect, his accent should be firmer and more neutral, he should be speaking more accurate and with a larger vocabulary and the list goes on.
Like how he should walk, talk, write, speak, greet, work, and behave.
So, whenever I start something new, I have a precondition for myself how I would be doing it. I have already imagined about process and outcome both before even starting it. 
In similar terms, we can say, these are some expectations we all have form ourselves irrespective our situation in life. We never wish to see ourselves falling from our own set standards. Expectations of others we can ignore but we live every day with our prejudgement about ourselves.
Now the question arises, from where we get these expectations and why we keep fighting them but never let go.
Since childhood, we used to hear about ourselves as some kind of superheroes, who will walk like that, look like that, speak like that, sing-dance like that, and comparison goes on till we become grown-up and resemble none like that. However, these conditions did not become our beloved one’s expectations to us, but we also believe we would be better if we were like them not what we are.
We start the race even before we learn how to walk. In deep down we find alienated to self when expectations meet reality, and nothing feels real.
Does it mean that we should not have an expectation? How does it work, where we have a reality check and motivation both to meet our expectations?
Isn't it simple that question gives answer too?
Yes, the reality check and motivation both should go together.
If I want to be a writer then I should read first,
If I hope to be an astronaut then I should feel weightlessness first,
If I wish to be a scientist then I should taste the failed experiments first,
If I desire to be a boxer then I should feel the pain first,
So, the rule is simple, first,
Weigh yourself then put your weight on something, and once you commit then give everything to it.
There is no shame to accept what we can't do but no fame we should seek in what we can do.
